
Dogs + Breed Characteristics

  • The eye-catching Great Dane, called the "Apollo of Dogdom," is the tallest of all dogs. The sleek, proud appearance of this breed gives these dogs a look of majesty. Do not expect puppies to have the grace or wisdom of an adult, even though they can stand up to lick you in the face.

  • Dogs use their noses infinitely more than humans to get around in the world and gather information. With specialized olfactory organs that detect pheromones, dogs' sense of smell is thousands of times better than humans.

  • This handout discusses the concept of hypoallergenic dogs. These breeds are meant to create less allergic reactions in people that suffer from dog allergies. Humans sometimes react to the proteins found in dog saliva and dander. Precautions to take when trying to reduce your exposure to these allergens are highlighted. As well, breeds that tend to be less reactive to dog allergy sufferers are discussed.

  • With the elegance of a deer, the Ibizan Hound can leap great heights from a standstill. Unlike most sight hounds, the Ibizan Hound usually barks when chasing. She is fast, sweet, and beautiful, yet few people have ever met one.

  • These hardworking dogs are tough and energetic, but don't be fooled – they are people-dogs. Cheerful, friendly, inquisitive and playful, they are definitely happiest when they have a job to do, such as playing ball, herding, agility and obedience activities.

  • Irish Red and White Setters are joyful and love to have fun. They will run with you, go for hikes, play with the kids, and are up for all sorts of activities like agility, flyball and obedience. Then they'll settle in the comfort of the house to chill with the family.

  • Clownish and playful, the Irish Water Spaniel is as springy as his coat of tightly wound curls. He is the tallest of the spaniels, and few dogs can match the gusto and enthusiasm that an Irish brings to everything he does, so get ready for high-intensity fun. The Irish would not have it any other way.

  • The lacrimal duct is part of the nasolacrimal system, a series of narrow tubes that allow tears to drain from the eye into the nose and mouth. This duct can sometimes become blocked or fail to develop properly, resulting in tears overflowing and potentially staining the face below the eye. The clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment options for the condition are explained in this handout.

  • Gentle, calm and friendly, these good-natured watchers make excellent family dogs. They are affectionate and incredibly patient with children, love to be included in family activities, and will wait patiently if you stop to talk on an outing. They are calm indoors and their affectionate personality makes them excellent therapy dogs.

  • Mastiffs are mellow and many are happy just watching family ballgames from the sidelines, cheering their kids on with a wag or a woof. Some, however, might happily join in to steal the ball or play a short game.
