
Reproductive Care

  • This handout is a basic care guide for pregnant dogs, outlining changes in nutritional requirements and physical activity, and pregnancy testing.

  • This handout summarizes whelping (giving birth) in dogs. Instructions for preparing your pregnant dog for delivery and how to assist her if necessary are outlined. Situations requiring veterinary assistance are also described.

  • Breeding dogs is a great responsibility that should not be done just because an owner wants puppies from their beloved dog. Important considerations are discussed. Many puppies are abandoned at dog shelters because of inappropriate breeding practices. There are usually many dogs looking for homes and an owner can find the dog they are looking for through shelters or rescue organizations.

  • They're perfectly willing to lie beside you (or on your lap) while you're reading a book, but if you invite them to play, they'll join a rousing game of catch-me-if-you-can.

  • With its massive head, jutting jaw and barrel shape, the Bulldog appears to be a real tough guy but in fact is just the opposite. The truth is, everyone loves the Bulldog and this sweetheart returns the compliment.

  • A caesarean section is a major surgery to help deliver puppies, usually performed in an emergency. After surgery, the dog may be sleepy but should be able to eat a high-quality diet and nurse puppies within a few hours. The dog should be monitored for fever, abnormal vulvar discharge, and abnormalities at the incision.

  • As befitting a dog that lived on its own, The Canaan Dog is aloof toward strangers, including strange dogs. Protective of family and a natural guardian, Canaan Dogs may bark a lot but are smart, devoted, and willing to please.

  • Extremely loyal and willing to please, Cane Corsos are very protective of home and family. They're highly intelligent, even-minded and stable, and stay close to their masters.

  • A cesarean section is a surgery to remove kittens from the uterus and is most commonly performed as an emergency procedure when there is difficulty with natural birth. During the immediate recovery period, the mother and kittens must be closely monitored and begin eating/nursing within a few hours. If you have any concerns about their health, you should immediately have your veterinarian examine the kittens and their mother.

  • If you're looking for an excellent companion you can take almost anywhere, the Cesky Terrier might be for you. They are playful and sporty, yet calm, sweet, loyal and obedient.
